Bridging Generational Divides, Fostering Community Leadership

Our team engages with communities through direct action, partnerships, and educational programs. Join us in a mission of nurturing a resilient society. 

iAM is building a network of young professionals focused on renewing America's institutions

Political, economic, public health and technological angst has led to a broken generation. This has placed our institutions in a situation of calamity as new generations prefer to drop out than become civically engaged. Learn how we are preserving what is indispensable about our society through existing organizations and new contemporary vessels. 

We are building a new leadership class of positive, articulated, united, and civic-minded individuals

Our team serves as a conduit to different civic and fraternal groups that are making a difference in the community. Direct, hands-on learning and seeing the betterment of our communities give young people the hope they need to sustain America in the years to come. This is what we exist to facilitate.

We are changing the parameters from top-down bureaucratic leadership to bottom-up grassroots localized leadership to make a lasting difference

The rise of independents, and an increased desire for youth involvement provides a unique void that our team fills.  We are reaching a very online generation and engaging them in real life community, providing them with mentorship they need to carry the torch for positive, inclusive change.

The time is now to rebuild and reinvigorate the institutions that have sustained our communities

Few groups can understand much less harness what these revolutionary changes will mean for generations to come. What it means ultimately depends on what visionary organizations are doing right now. We are building the foundation for a better future where accountability, transparency and trust will be restored.

Be part of Informed Advocates of Michigan and transform communities. Together, we inspire resilience and empower the next generation.